Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Leaving Meetup for Blue Skies at Ning

For a little over a year I started a small but successful Meetup group for Fort Wayne's visual creative members called I-69 Visual Design. Our goals were simple, but we were looking for a new and fun way to interact with our members.

Enter: Ning. is growing in popularity by something Fast Company calls viral looping, because of it's popularity, when one person joins, at least two new social media groups will be created. Ning is great because for a small group organizer like me, it is free (albeit you'll find advertising on the left column). Some of the features include event promotion, discussions and commenting, but also members can post their own content and customize their own pages.

Meetup is one of the best event planning websites of its kind and I credit them for that. But my members wanted more and I needed something my new group, Fort Wayne Visual Designers would enjoy using.

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